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30 day access for Only $1

for first time subscribers ONLY

Get full access to Codebreaker Discover for 30 days for $1. Then it's just $59 per month. You can cancel at any time.

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Discover yourself and others with a system that can pinpoint and speak to anyone’s buying personality instantly!
CODEBREAKER DISCOVER empowers you with the tools and technology you need to win big! Optimize your interactions with anyone using Codebreaker tools and tech for better communication, lasting relationships, and more sales.

30 day access for Only $1

for first time subscribers ONLY

Get full access to Codebreaker Discover for 30 days for $1. Then it's just $59 per month. You can cancel at any time.


Organize contacts with our BCRM and then follow our proven roadmap to success.


Fast-track conversion with unlimited leads and game- changing B.A.N.K. tools.


Instantly identify the best ways to communicate and serve your contacts better.


Leverage cutting-edge B.A.N.K. personality science for greater competitive edge.

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We have answers to our most common FAQs!

This Masterclass is about sharing strategies that will help you survive and even thrive during these difficult economic times. That includes Codebreaker tools and technology, as well as the B.A.N.K. training you’ll be getting. If you don’t have access to the Discover subscription during this Masterclass, you’ll only be able to hear about what you can do with the tools and technologies highlighted in some of our Masterclasses. You won’t be able to use them yourself. While you can get results from this Masterclass without access to Discover, you’ll be limiting your success.

For the first month, we’re offering Codebreaker Discover for just $1! After the trial ends, continued access to Discover costs $59/month, but you can cancel at any time if Discover isn’t for you.

Cancelling is easy. Simply log into your Virtual Office and click on your picture in the top right corner. A pull-down menu will appear. Select “My Order History” from the menu. There you can see and modify or cancel your current subscription.

Discover is our most popular subscription because it allows you to crack unlimited BANKCODES in a wide variety of ways–even without your prospect being involved! You can use BANKPASS, Codebreaker AI and the Codebreaker AI Chrome Extension to code anyone online. Organize, track and review valuable personality and sales intelligence on your contacts using the BCRM. Codebreaker Discover gives you the complete suite of basic Codebreaker tools and technology, so it’s easy to get the YES fast. 

30 day access for Only $1

for first time subscribers ONLY

Get full access to Codebreaker Discover for 30 days for $1. Then it's just $59 per month. You can cancel at any time.


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